Here at the Foundation, our core aim is to help others “because it’s the right thing to do”. This is not only through the variety of mental and physical health and addiction support services we offer, but also on a direct and individual basis where help is needed.

We recently helped a local lady by the name of Gill in Rainford, who having recently lost her husband in sudden circumstances, was finding it impossible to maintain and manage her garden, as well as look after 2 small children. After speaking with her, we offered to pay for it to be landscaped and become a place that she could go and sit and remember her husband with fond memories.

This will hopefully have a positive impact on improving Gill’s mental health and wellbeing, as well as being something that we wanted to do to give back to the community  and bring some happiness into her life after such a tragedy.

Gill has this to say:

My husband died suddenly, leaving me and 2 young children. The Standing Tall Foundation have helped me by making our garden much more manageable and low maintenance so it’s not as overwhelming for me to maintain. It has meant the world to me as it has allowed me more time to look after our children, and has given us a lovely space to sit and reflect. Thank you to Andy, and everyone at the foundation for your help

Here are some before and after pictures!


We wish Gill all the best in the future and her new garden!

If you are struggling or need help  – please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us.

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