We cannot thank our Partners enough for the continued support they have shown. This enables us to deliver our Mental Health Counselling and Addiction support services, as well as helping people on a group and individual level via our own initiatives, as well as the help we receive from partners.
We’d like to say a special thank you to Auxesia Homes and Cosey Homes for renewing their partnership and continuing their support of the Foundation.
This month, we have been delighted to welcome on board our new partner Totally Wicked, which you can find out more about below.
In addition to these, we are excited to introduce our “Friends of the Foundation” proposal, which is targeted at smaller, more local businesses. The overall aim of this is to be able to offer support in the form of networking opportunities and exclusive access to our Standing Tall Business Club, as well as fulfilling your CSR ambitions and obligations.
You can find out more about becoming a Friend of the Foundation HERE.

Totally Wicked is one of the leading vape companies in the UK. Founded in 2008, they are one of the nation’s longest standing vape companies and have led the way not only with vape technology, but vape standards and vapers’ rights. They also have an expert Totally Wicked team which is now 360 people strong and growing!

Here at the Foundation, we are focused on the health and physical well-being of all Community Groups, and are therefore excited to be working with a company that promotes a healthier alternative to smoking. It’s totally wicked to have them on board!
You can read the full story about the Partnership HERE.